If you are looking for bespoke training in the fields of safeguarding, child protection and workplace culture then you should be speaking with Joanna.
Utilising not only her years of experience in the field of Safeguarding and Child Protection but also working with a range of organisations, including working as a core trainer for her Local Safeguarding Children Partnership, Joanna has built up a comprehensive knowledge of Safeguarding and Child Protection practice and how best to impart that knowledge, including relevant case law and up-to-the-minute legislation. Add in her unique personal style and practical advice and you have a formula that will win over any audience.
Training is generally delivered through a mixture of PowerPoint, group discussion, case studies and exercises. The training is fully interactive and is enhanced by Joanna using examples of case scenarios and anecdotes from her 30 years of experience.
Although these topics can be difficult and distressing, Joanna has a host of testimonials describing her approach as accessible, informative and enjoyable.
Joanna can also develop your online training content with you.
Available Courses
To give some idea of the scope of Joanna’s work, here is a selection of some of the courses she regularly delivers:
Safeguarding and Child Protection
This training can be delivered as a foundation course or a refresher update course and can incorporate adults at risk as well as child protection.
General courses cover the categories of abuse, the signs and symptoms of abuse, current legislation, learning from serious case reviews/ child safeguarding practice reviews and how to work more effectively.
This course can be delivered as a half, one or two day training course.
The Impact of Neglect
Neglect, is the form of child maltreatment that is the most prevalent in the UK but it is the one professionals find hardest to work with.
On completion of this course delegates will have a better understanding of the impact of neglect, the research that evidences the impact, what leads to neglect, what level of neglect would warrant a referral to children’s social care, how to work more effectively with cases of neglect and how to keep work more focused.
This course can be delivered as a half, one or two day training course.
Presenting Evidence of Neglect in the Court
Social workers are generally given very little training on presenting evidence in court.
Upon completion of this course delegates will be much clearer about the impact of neglect, how to evidence the impact of neglect in court and the likely impact of future significant harm.
The course will also cover the use of research and will help social workers be clear about what they are, or are not, experts in.
This course can be delivered as a half or one day training course.
Disguised Compliance
It is a common finding from serious case reviews/ child safeguarding practice reviews that some families have employed, very effectively, techniques of disguised compliance.
This has prevented professionals from understanding what the child’s life is like and what the risks and strengths are.
Upon completion of this course delegates will have a better understanding of the reasons why families employ this technique, what disguised compliance is and how professionals can work more effectively in cases where there is disguised compliance to keep the child at the centre of everything they do.
This course can be delivered as a half or one day training course.
Learning from Serious Case/ Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
The same lessons and findings come up time and time again from serious case reviews/ child safeguarding practice reviews.
Upon completion of this course delegates will have developed a clear understanding of what the most common themes in serious case reviews/ child safeguarding practice reviews are, including a lack of understanding of the impact of neglect, professionals not working well together, information sharing, disguised compliance, working with chaotic families, working with hard to reach families and working with minority ethnic communities.
Taking all of these issues into consideration, this course will examine how professionals can work more effectively to keep the child at the centre of everything they do and to keep work focused.
This course can be delivered as a half, one or two day training course.
For more information or to discuss bespoke training contact Joanna.
Get in touch
The best way to contact me is via email. Please fill in the form below and I will be in touch as soon as possible.